Give A Donation

Help those in need by donating today. Small contributions can lead to significant support and opportunities for those facing poverty, inequality, illness, and education barriers. Make an impact on communities by supporting causes that create a brighter future for all individuals.

Support Us

Together, we can make a difference! Let’s create positive change by working together to tackle big problems. Even small actions can inspire others to join in. Whether it’s volunteering, advocating for justice or being kind, every effort counts. Let's support and lift each other up to achieve incredible things. We all have the potential to make a meaningful impact and create a better world. Let’s start today!

Become a Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to help those in need and make a positive impact on society. By giving your time to support impoverished and homeless people, you can provide food and other essential items to those who need it most. Volunteering is an altruistic venture that brings fulfillment and satisfaction.

Paving the Way for a Better Tomorrow

Raise Your Hand Help Improve the Lives
Of those less fortunate
Together we can make a Difference Donate Now

Our Mission: To provide quality resources, short and long-term solutions for a number of pressing issues affecting the poor  especially children and women that are often brushed aside. 

We are in partnership with NGO’s, the private sector, and other relief organizations in the United States, Central and South America.

Whether it’s providing  food, school supplies, ​diapers to a newborn baby​,​​ and medical supplies, in a safe and healthy environment. ​We believe that working together with the communities is essential to provide the most vulnerable families ​a sustainable way of living.

During these difficult times we are helping those families affected the most by COVID 19 in providing the essential  needs.

A Non-Profit Organization
That Helps Those Less Fortunate

Sustainable Development Goals

Be The Change

Your monthly or one time gift will bring hope and change  families life. With your donation, you’ll help  to assist families and entire community to provide food, a better education, clean water and medical treatment. 

Even a small donation can make a big difference in their lives.

The mission of United for the Poor can only be accomplished with your help.

We Are On A Mission

To Help Those In Need

Lets Change The

World With Humanity

Delivering help and hope to children


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Welcome to United For The Poor
A Non Profit Helping Poor Communities.

Let’s Make a Difference


We Are On A Mission

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We Are On A Mission

Our Strategy

We work around four main strategies



